Jewelry Icon
Elizabeth Taylor: 1932-2011
The 69.42-carat Taylor Burton diamond, the 33.19 carat Krupp Diamond, fabulous 5-carat natural pearl La Peregrina, emeralds, rubies and the world’s most fabulous jewels adorned her but never outshown her: Elizabeth Taylor was a style icon to remember. She died today at the age on 79 of congestive heart failure. The star of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf,” “National Velvet,” “Cleopatra,” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” she was as famous for her blinding beauty and passionate love life as for her work.
She famously had eight marriages and seven husbands but she is forever associated with Richard Burton, who she married twice and who showered her with some of the world’s most beautiful jewels. In later life, she founded the American Foundation for AIDS Research, fighting the stigma against the disease with her considerable star power.
Perhaps the first tabloid star, as her love life and addiction to painkillers were covered extensively in the gossip press, Elizabeth Taylor was also undeniably, a real movie star, the kind they don’t make anymore. In contrast to actresses today who walk the red carpet in borrowed finery, Elizabeth Taylor truly owned the jewels she wore, just as she owned the screen every time the camera turned its gaze on her.
Well, at least today Elizabeth Taylor is reunited with her husband in heaven...and the other husband, and and the other husband, and the other husband ... Rest In Peace you Beautiful Dame......