I haven't been a very good blogger the past year. I had such good intentions but it seems I wasn't too good at keeping my commitment to my blog.
Well, let's see....I could go into a tremendous explanation, but I don't know if that is the best thing to do.
I will say, I haven't had the best year. I lost my father, in a very upsetting way. I had to put my beloved dog to sleep after ten years as he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I also had my own scare with cancer but I am so blessed, and I will be ok.
So, with that being said...I will go into more details later on perhaps...or maybe not, as dwelling on the past may not be the best healing process.
Nonetheless...I am glad to be back, and I have some projects I have been working on, that I can't wait to post. I think things are going to be OK, and I am truly thankful for my blessings. =)

"Je suis reconnaissant pour mes bénédictions."
"I am thankful for my blessings."
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