We now have a new family member....last November we discovered our beloved Chow Chow of 10 years was diagnosed with Hermangiosarcoma. Basically this means a giant tumor in the abdomen. It is terminal. It was shocking and devastating. Our family had to make a horrible choice that I would never wish on anyone. My last act of love was to set him free. I was crushed.
My 3 year old was also so sad...I couldn't make the hurt go away and if you are a parent, you know how that feels...HORRIBLE. So, we decided to add a new family member and we love him. He cannot ever replace our Chow Chow but we love him in a different way. So is life.
Here are some photos:
He is a Coton de Tulear, the royal dog of Madagascar. This is a great link that explains the breed and it's rarity. He's like 7 weeks old in these photos and he is so snuggly!
Check out the breeder where we located him...she is phenominal...she really cares about her animals and strives to re-home other animals in her area. Thank you so much Cuddly Cotons!!!
I have actually made this little guy a royal doggie bed and I am will post my tutorial very soon. Can't wait to show you!

"Je suis reconnaissant pour mes bénédictions."
"I am thankful for my blessings."
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